Conductive Copper Nickel Fabric
Conductive Copper Nickel Fabric
RFID Protection Fabric
RFID Protection Fabric used for making purses and bag for protecing credit cards...
Plain Shape RFID Conductive...
Plain Shape RFID Conductive Fabric for avoid RFID singal from being...
RFID Signal Blocking Lining...
Anti Radiation Fabric RFID used for wallet & bag lining, signal Blocking .
Electromagnetic Interference...
Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Radiation Blocking Fabric, RFID singal...
Plain Shape RFID Blocking...
RFID Blocking Cloth Plain Shape Conductive RFID Fabric Lining
Diamond Shape RFID Blocking...
Diamond Shape RFID Blocking Copper Nickel Fabric for wallet lining.
Singal Blocking RFID Shielding...
Diamond Shape Singal Blocking RFID Shielding Fabric

Diamond Shape Anti Radiation...
Diamond Shape Anti Radiation Fabric, RFID signal blocking.
EMF Protection Fabric
EMF Protection Fabric, RFID protection Fabric, RFID Wallet lining.
RFID Blocking Metal Fiber...
Grid Shape RFID Blocking Metal Fiber Fabric
Electromagnetic Shielding...
Electromagnetic Shielding Fabric, RFID singal protection.
Black Coating EMF Shielding...
Black Coating EMF Shielding Fabric, better resist oxidation.
Black Coated Electrically...
Electrically Conductive Fabric with Anti oxidation layer,RFID sinal...
Anti oxidation Nickel Copper...
Nickel Copper Fabric with double side Anti oxidation coating

Double Black Coating RFID...
RFID Shielding Fabric with 2 Anti oxidation layers